Android 8

Android 8 (人造人間8号, Jinzōningen Hachi-gō) is Dr. Gero's eighth Android creation. He was designed to serve the Red Ribbon Army, but was seen as faulty because of his well-spirited nature. Android 8 made his debut in "Mechanical Man No. 8", the 63rd chapter of the Dragon Ball manga, issued on March 10, 1987. He made his first anime appearance in "Five Murasakis", the 38th episode of the Dragon Ball anime, which premiered on November 19, 1986. Android 8 bears heavy resemblance to Frankenstein's monster.

Being released from his cell, Android 8 is introduced by Ninja Murasaki, who intends to use him against Goku, after he and his brothers failed to defeat the much stronger Goku. However, 8 refuses to battle the child. When Murasaki threatens to detonate 8 via a remote control, Goku knocks the trigger out of his hand and knocks out Ninja Murasaki. Goku nicknames Android 8 "Eighter" (Hat-chan), and he becomes Goku's friend. When General White threatens the android with an ultimatum: kill Goku or the Jingle Village Chief will be shot, Goku decides to stop the torment by turning his back so that White may shoot him unopposed, and White shoots Goku, seemingly killing him. After witnessing his first friend get hurt, an enraged Android 8 punches White clean out of Muscle Tower's uppermost window. Afterward, Android 8 proceeds to destroy Muscle Tower, putting an end to at least part of the evil Red Ribbon Army. After eliminating the Army contingent in Jingle Village, 8 reveals that he discovered the Dragon Ball that the army was looking for and hid it, knowing that they intended to kill the villagers once it was found. Hearing this, the head of the village invites 8 to live among them, which he accepts.
Before Goku leaves the village, Goku, Android 8, and Suno set out to remove the Android Bomb implanted in Android 8's chest. Suno informs Goku that they should visit Dr. Flappe, an expert in machines. After a brief confrontation with Ninja Murasaki, Dr. Flappe successfully removes the bomb

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