
Krillin is the name of a fictional character from the popular anime and manga series Dragon Ball. This character takes the character of a shaolin with the physical characteristics bald and has 6 points in the forehead.

He first met Goku when they wanted to ask a student to Kamesenin. Kamesenin refused to lift his first student. But then changed his mind, when Krillin willing to meet the 'conditions' which prompted Kamesenin is looking for a young girl to be invited to the 'Kame-House'. In contrast to the plain Goku, Krillin is to understand and connect with Kamesenin in terms of pornography and filth.

In the fight in battles, martial universal before the Majin Buu Saga, Yamcha states that "Krillin is the strongest among the creatures of the earth."

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