
Drum is King Piccolo's fourth son following his release. He is a large, ogreish, frog-like Namekian. He very much resembles his brother Tambourine in appearance and outfit, with the exception of a more emerald shade of green skin and the lack of wings, as well as being much larger than Tambourine, with his structure being like his other brother Cymbal.
Even though he is the shortest-lived son of King Piccolo, up to this point he was the strongest since King Piccolo created him when he was in his prime. King Piccolo spits him out just as Tien Shinhan arrives to try and trap King Piccolo in the Evil Containment Wave. Drum attacks Tien, and clobbers him quite easily, and at one point almost traps himself with the technique.
Later, when Drum is just about to kill Tien, Goku arrives, and flies at Drum and kicks him in the head, temporarily stunning him. Drum regains consciousness and attempts to attack Goku. Tien warns Goku that he should run, whom senses Drum's energy and kills him with a single kick to the head, knocking his eyes out of his head in a bloody mess. His body is later accidentally destroyed by King Piccolo during his fight with Goku.

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