Kibito Kai

Kibito Kai is a result of Potara Fusion between Supreme Kai and his servant Kibito. His personality is for the most part identical to the Supreme Kai's, except the unusual amount of concern he had for the damage the fight with Buu was doing to his planet.
Kibito Kai is first born when Old Kai explains the Potara Fusion. The Supreme Kai and Kibito, thinking nothing of testing out the earrings, fuse into Kibito Kai. He is apparently pleased with his appearance until the Old Kai reveals that the transformation is irreversible. When Kid Buu prepared to blow up the Earth with his Planet Burst, Kibito Kai teleported to Earth and rescued Goku, Vegeta, Mr. Satan and Dende just before the explosion and brought them to the Kai Planet. With Kid Buu tracking the Saiyans to the Sacred World of the Kais, Kibito Kai, Old Kai and Dende teleported to a faraway planet and watched the ensuing battle on a Crystal Ball.
After the evil half of Majin Buu was vanquished, Kibito Kai, Old Kai and Dende teleported back to the Sacred World of the Kais and healed the warriors, including the good, fat Majin Buu who had reformed earlier on and been excluded from Kid Buu's body. Kibito Kai teleported Goku, Vegeta, Mr. Satan, Dende and Fat Majin Buu to Earth, and bid them farewell, teleporting himself back to the Sacred World of the Kais, where he would now rest in peace.
Kibito Kai is later seen on Earth, along with Old Kai, at Mr. Satan's banquet after Buu's defeat in Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!.

Fusion Supreme Kai and kibito (Kibito Kai) :

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