
Papoi is the South Kai's best student. He makes his debut (and ultimately his only appearance) in the one hundred-ninty second episode of Dragon Ball Z, "Take Flight Videl".
According to South Kai, Papoi gave his life to save his home planet from "something real nasty", which North Kai sarcastically mused to be nothing more than boredom.
North Kai and South Kai start to debate who is stronger. While Goku is training in the background with two-ton weights on each of his arms and legs, South Kai claims that Papoi could mop the floor with Goku.

Both Kais get competitive, so North Kai tells South Kai to increase each weight on Goku to ten tons per weight. At first, Goku can barely move, but when he turns Super Saiyan and starts moving around very quickly. South Kai's jaw hits the ground, and he quickly says that Papoi should not waste his time fighting Goku making up an excuse that he has a dinner date.

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